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Thursday, March 3, 2011

KOICA and Ministry of Rural Development launch Opening Ceremony for Construction Reservoir and Irrigation System in Krouch Chhmar District

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KOICA and Ministry of Rural Development launch Opening Ceremony for Construction Reservoir and Irrigation System in Krouch Chhmar District

KOICA News Release: translate from local newspaper
Kohsantepheap Daily Newspaper:
Year 44 Volume 7203, Thursday, March 03, 2011
(Photo):  Mr. CHEA Sophara, Minster of Rural Development and KOICA Representative open the construction field.
Kampong Cham: Korea International Cooperation Agency, known as KOICA and the Ministry of Rural Development of the Kingdom of Cambodia will launch an Opening Ceremony for the Construction of Reservoir and Irrigation System in Rokar Khnaor Commune, Krouch Chhmar District, Kampong Cham Province on Saturday morning, February 26, 2011 with the participation of H.E. CHEA Sophara, Minister of the Ministry of Rural Development, Dr. Shi Eui-Cheol, Representative of KOICA Cambodia Office, H.E. LUN Lim Thai, Kampong Cham Deputy Provincial Governor and other government officials of the Ministry of Rural Development and Kampong Cham governorate.
This new reservoir which can store about 2.8 million ton of water will be constructed in order to irrigate at farmland. This reservoir has 4.8 km length and 2m high of dam embankment with 4m width. Through this reservoir more than 1,007ha of farmland will be irrigated through Boeung Thom reservoir. Moreover, 2.6km length of new canal system will be constructed in order to exclude surplus water from reservoir to Mekong River and it will be used as irrigation canal during dry season.
Be noted that, the Construction of Reservoir and Irrigation System was under the Project for Integrated Rural Development in Krouch Chhmar District, Kampong Cham Province which will be implemented within 20 months from August 2010~March 2012. 

Through the above project, two kinds of road will be constructed as well; one is an access road of 1.05km length with 4m width from Roka Khnaor No.6 village to the Boeung Thom reservoir, another one is a farm road of 1.8km length with 4m width from farmland to water gate No.2 at reservoir.
To improve resident environment for villagers, 29 hand pump wells and 635 latrines will be installed at 3 villages. Finally, diffusion rate of latrine for 3 villages will be reached into 100%. Moreover, Agricultural technologies have been transferred for three kind crops such as rice, tobacco and corn to the farmers in this project sites. Anyways, this project will improve educational environment of the school by providing educational facilities such as computers, printers, books, a solar electricity system, desks, and chairs and so on.
Thus, the opening ceremony for the construction of reservoir and irrigation system will reveal the process of project implementation towards success in the future.
The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) was founded as a government agency in 1991, to maximize the effectiveness of Korea's grant aid programs for developing countries by implementing the government's grant aid and technical cooperation programs.
KOICA aims to make a better world by helping to achieve the MDGs and promoting equitable and sustainable development in our partner countries. KOICA also seeks to actively participate in the global efforts to enhance the capacity of nations and Individuals to overcome poverty and improve their quality of life.
In Cambodia, KOICA has its country assistance strategy that helps Royal Government of Cambodia achieve its national development goals, by integrating the strategy with Cambodia’s National Strategic Development Plan, and the government’s Rectangle Strategy. KOICA focuses on 4 priority sectors—rural development, health, education, and infrastructure.

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